The existence of this site appeared in the report peratama Rapporten kundigen van de oudheid-Dienst (ROD), in 1914, later reported to NJ Krom 1949. in 1979 concerned officials in the development and research of cultural bend is followed by the overseers of local culture and Pulit ditlinbinjarah Arkenas to review the site location. Since that time research efforts toward the site of Mount Padang began to do well from the point of archaeological, historical, geological and other.
Building form reflects punden berundaknya megalithic tradition (meaning great and Lithos mega means stone) as is common in some areas in West Java. Gunung Padang site located 50 kilometers from Cianjur said to be the greatest megalithic sites in Southeast Asia. Among the local community, the site is believed to be evidence of attempts to build the palace of King Siliwangi overnight.
Aided by his troops, he tried to collect the stone blocks that are only found in the area. However, the night seemed to pass faster. In the dawn tinge the eastern horizon of his search had been thwarted, then it is of Regional and then he left. He let the stones scattered on the hill which is now called Mount Padang. Padang is meant by light.
Gunung Padang punden staircase, built with massive volcanic rocks that form a rectangle.
The building consists of five terraces with different sizes. The stones have not had a touch of human hands in a sense, has not worked or shaped by human hands.
Blocks of stone which the sums are so many that spread almost over the top of Mount Padang. Locals dub some of the stones of the terraces with the names of the smell of Islam. For example there is a table called Milled Pangancingan Kiai, Chair Bonang Grandmother, Grandmother Jojodog or Swasana seat, backrest stone Suhaedin Sheikh alias Sheikh Abdul Rusman, grandparent households Marzuki Sheikh, and Sheikh Abdul Fukor stone.