Dem Island consists of 35 people from nine families. Among the nine families, only one house who gets electricity PLN official. Namely, the house belonging to Sukari. Men 60 years, lives with his wife, children and grandchildren.
Just like a household, Sukari home also features electronic equipment. For example, lights, refrigerators, and TV complete with sound and VCDs. He also opened a small shop which is open at night. Meanwhile, eight other families do not have equal opportunities. Most of the farm workers. Although without electricity, they still can turn on the lights or black and white television with battery power.
Subandi, 36, for example. Father of two children was expressed rarely travel outside the island. If you need groceries or other daily needs, he prefers Nitip to his first son, Bayu Hartanto, 13, during school. All students on the island are forced to use boats to cross the River Porong. To go to school and other activities such as the Koran. Only boats that transport them toward the island opposite.,