According to stories handed down that circulate among the people there, Bledug kuwu occurs because of the hole that connects it with the South Sea. (a long way, right?) said the hole was way back Joko dazed from the South Sea to the kingdom after defeating King Medang Kamolan Cengkar Gods which has been transformed into a white alligator in the South Seas. Joko dazed reputedly able to make the hole because he can be transformed into a dragon which is the condition that he recognized as his son
In geology, the phenomenon of mud Volcanoes are not unusual. Many similar phenomena in other hemisphere the same phenomenon in this Kuwu, one of which is in Palo Seco, the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago, Africa.
The existence of this Bledug kuwu, which contains salt water, by the local people used to be used as an ingredient in a traditional salt-makers. The trick is to catch the water from it into the Glagah Bledug kuwu (bamboo is split into two, and then dried)