"Locals believe Nyale have good luck that can bring prosperity to those who appreciate them and harm to people who underestimate. That which flourished during this", said then Wirekarme, a community leader who served as Head of Marketing Department of Tourism Sub Department of Central Lombok district.
The tradition caught Nyale (language sasak Odor Nyale) believed to arise from the influence of natural conditions and patterns of peasant community life that have a fundamental belief that the greatness of God, created nature with all its contents including Anelida similar animal called Nyale. Appearance on the coast of Southern Lombok which is marked by the wonders of nature as God's mercy on these creatures.
Some time before Nyale out at night heavy rain interspersed with lightning and thunder that boomed along with strong winds blowing. It is estimated that on the fourth day after full moon, the night before Nyale going out, the rain subsided, replaced by rain patter - patter, the atmosphere became so quiet, in the early morning began to manifest themselves Nyale rolling - roll with the roar of the waves breaking shore, and soon also Nyale gradually - gradually vanished from the sea surface along with the crack of dawn in the eastern horizon.
In this activity looks the most prominent is the function of solidarity and togetherness in a community group that can be maintained as supporting the continuity of traditional culture.
Wonders Nyale for Lombok Sasak tribe has created tales about the events that spread almost throughout the layers of Lombok and surrounding community. This tale is very interesting with a very romantic story and develops through the narrative of people - parents who then arranged in a script about the legendary Nyale.
According to the myth that in ancient times on the south coast of Lombok island there is a kingdom called Tonjang Beru. Surroundings in this kingdom made the room - the room is big. This room is used for meeting the king - the king. Beru Tonjang country is ruled by a king renowned for wisdom and the wisdom of King was named king Tonjang Beru with the queen goddess Seranting.
King had a daughter, named Princess Mandalika. When the princess adulthood, his face is very beautiful. He was very graceful and beautiful. His eyes were like a star in the east. His cheeks were like Pauh dilayang. Her hair is like Virgin unravel. In addition to the graceful and beautiful she was known for friendly and courteous. Language said softly. That's what makes the princess became the pride of its people.
All the people are very proud to have a wise and prudent king who wanted to help people who cares. Thanks to assistance from the king of all people of the country Tonjang Beru become prosperous, safe and tranquil. Beauty and elegance Princess Mandalika very famous from the east end to west end of the island of Lombok. Beauty and elegance of the princess heard by the prince - a prince who share the Earth run out Sasak (Lombok). Each - every one of the kingdom of Johor, consolation, Pane, Kuripan, Daha, and the kingdom of Beru. The prince in the fall cintar. They were intoxicated see beauty and elegance of the princess.
They complain of fortune, who could marry Princess Mandalika. What power with all feeling fine, Princess Mandalika dismissed. The prince so bite the fingers. Two prince is furious live with it. They are the Prince and Prince Datu Teruna Maliawang. Each - every one of the royal kingdom of Johore and consolation. Datu Teruna sent Arya Arya Tebuik pomfret and to apply, with the threat of destruction of the kingdom Tonjang Beru when the proposal was refused. Prince Maliawang send Bumbang Arya and Arya Tuna with intent and similar threats.
Princess Mandalika not budge. Datu necessarily Teruna release senggeger Utusaning God, being Maliawang Nets blew Senggeger Sutra. This second efficacy senggeger no responsibility in the eyes of Princess Mandalika abysmal, both the prince's face appears in unison. Could not eat, could not sleep, the princess finally emaciated. The whole country Tonjang Beru disaput grief.
Why did the princess refused an application? Because he feels bear no small responsibility. Disaster will occur when the princess dropped the option in one of his prince. In meditation, the princess gets wangsit to invite all the princes in the meeting on the 20th of the month 10 (month Sasak) in the morning - early morning before the dawn call to prayer reverberate. They must be accompanied by all the people of each - respectively. All guests are asked to come and gather at Kuta beach. Unexpectedly - six people suspected of princes came, and people are coming, thousands of them. Who visited this beach like ants mobbed.
There came two days before the day appointed by the princess. Children - children up to grandfather - grandfather had come upon the invitation of the princess on the ground. Apparently they want to see how the princess will determine his choice. Visitors flock - streaming coming from all over the island of Lombok. They come together with the heart patiently waiting for the presence of the princess.
Yes like he promised. The princess appeared before the call to prayer reverberate. Just as the sky reddened in the eastern horizon, the princess is beautiful and elegant it comes to using the stretcher which carried gold encrusted. Royal soldiers walking on the left, right, and behind the princess. It was a tight guard. All invitations to wait for days - days can only be bewildered beauty and elegance of the princess. The princess arrived with a very beautiful gown. Material from a very fine silk fabric.
Not long after, the princess went, then stopped at the pile of stone, his back to the open sea. Princess Mandalika standing there and then he turned to the invitation. The princess spoke briefly, but solid content, announced his decision in a loud voice to exclaim: "O father and mother and all the princes and peoples of the Tonjang Beru that I love. Today I have set that myself to you all. I can not choose one between the prince. Because this fate willed that I be Nyale which you can enjoy together in the month and date of when the emergence Nyale at sea level. "
At the same time and the end of the word - the word is the prince of confused people too confused and ask - ask to think of the word - the word. Unexpectedly - guess the princess threw something on a rock and throw themselves into the sea immediately swallowed wave accompanied by strong winds, lightning and thunder boomed.
There is no sign - a sign of the princess is in place. By the time they appeared on the confusion of small animals are huge numbers who are now referred to as Nyale. The animal-shaped marine worms. They alleged that the animal incarnation of the princess. Then the gang - they crowded race to take the animal as much - much to be enjoyed as a sense of love and also as a dining or other purposes.
That story Nyale Bau. Arrest Nyale become a tradition down - through the generations on the island of Lombok. At the time of the event which was held on Bau Nyale today, since the afternoon they will catch those who gathered on the beach Nyale fill the show with peresean, making camp and filling the evening with a variety of traditional arts such as Betandak (unrequited rhyme), Bejambik (gift giving eye to the lover), and Belancaran (cruise by boat). And do not miss too, held Mandalika Princess colossal drama on the beach Seger.
Citizens who come to the beach to join Seger ceremony Nyale smell comes with using a vehicle. Nyale for South Lombok residents with rain-fed rice fields is the object of God's grace that can be used as a sign of good harvests is satisfactory.
Odor tradition Nyale - catch sea worms - as part of the legend of Princess Mandalika in Lombok, culminating this time took place at dawn. There, people from around Lombok arriving since the previous night.
Odor Nyale there at 16 beaches stretching as far as 72 kilometers from east to west in the south of Central Lombok. Primarily carried out on the beach and surrounding Seger. Beach tourism potential in the West. The beauty of this beach makes the hearts of the tourists to be amazed at all the natural scenery. The waters around the shores of Kuta to Tanjung Aan beach is perfect for swimming. This beach is located on the southern island of Lombok, about - about 54 kilometers southeast of the city of Mataram. The atmosphere is calm quiet welcome step - step of fine white sand - like pepper - which stretches from the western tip to the east end with dozens of area attractions ranging from beaches bordering Kelor Edge East Lombok, to the beach Lombak Pengantap in the West.
As always, packed with thousands of young people after heavy rains stayed with him in the middle of the night. Those who are willing to withstand the cold and sleep on Seger Beach in Kuta Village District in the region Pujut PT Lombok Tourism Development, which comes not only from villagers in the district Pujut only. But also the young people of Mataram and Praya who came riding hundreds mobil.Pantai Seger who is now better known as Princess Nyale beach is also complemented by the slope - the steep slopes of hills bordering the beach. Indeed, natural charm. On the south coast that's life and spread a legend associated with the Nyale (a type of marine worm) that appears only once a year.
Nyale arrested in several places on the southern coast of Lombok island, among others, on the beach Kaliantan, Kuta, Selong Belanak, Mawun. Location is best visited by tourists is the beach of Kuta village Seger with adequate infrastructure conditions. Nyale at fertilization appear on the surface of the sea that began at dawn until just before sunrise. The emergence Nyale at sea level at the time of dawn illuminated by the moon brings the beauty of an interesting and stimulating to the fishermen to catch Nyale and over time become a cultural tradition. The emergence of the sea surface Nyale happens every year around February.
Scientifically, worms Nyale ever studied contain animal protein is very high. Once described by the researcher, Dr. Dr. Soewignyo Soemohardjo, worms Nyale has issued a substance known to have proven to kill germs. From a socio-cultural aspects of the survey report Nyale, 70.6 percent of respondents known to throw leaves wrappers Nyale to the field so that the results will be abundant rice crops and told Nyale rice plants that have been completed which means that captured the rain will stop.
During this society makes pepes steamed dishes wrapped in leaves - which is good. The public also believes if Nyale out many agricultural signifies success. South Lombok is known as a critical area in the absence of irrigation. Rainfed rice field over there. So if it rains a lot of water salinity might allow for the population is growing, is believed to successful rice crop.