Jalur Rafting ini melewati desa Bayem – Bejirejo – Sepudak dan berakhir di desa Mangir yang masih berada dalam wilayah kecamatan Kasembon. This route through the village Bayem Rafting - Bejirejo - Sepudak and ends in the village that is still in Mangir districts Kasembon. Tempat rafting baru ini menawarkan sensasi berbeda di banding tempat rafting-rafting yang lain. Place this new rafting offers a different sensation in the appeal where the other rafting-rafting. Keunggulan dari tempat ini dibandingkan tempat rafting yang lain yaitu tempat ini memiliki beautiful view, lokasi yang dikelilingi pegunungan, pemandangan alami sawah-sawah dengan tanaman padi yang menguning disisinya, panorama yang indah sunset di sore hari dan yang paling utama yaitu arus sungai dari tempat rafting ini memiliki lima kanal denagn ketimggian 2 sampai 3 meter dan difficulty level berkisar 2 sampai 3 cocok bagi rafter-rafter pemula maupun professional. The advantages of this place other than where rafting is this place has a beautiful view, location, surrounded by mountains, natural scenery with rice paddies of rice plants are yellowed by his side, a beautiful panorama of the sunset in the evening and most of that is from where the rafting the river flow It has five channels denagn ketimggian 2 to 3 meters and a difficulty level ranging from 2 to 3-Rafter Rafter suitable for beginners and professionals.
Rafting atau arung jeram adalah kegiatan yang membutuhkan kemampuan fisik dan mental karena adanya tantangan alam. Rafting or whitewater rafting is an activity that requires physical and mental abilities due to natural challenge. Tentu ada aspek rekreasi dalam olah raga tantangan ini karena lokasi rafting biasanya berada di daerah yang masih hijau dan asri. Of course there are aspects of recreation in this challenging sport because rafting locations are usually located in areas that are still green and beautiful. Anda bisa menikmati pemandangan dan suasana yang tenang. Arung jeram di Kasembon Malang menawarkan pemandangan indah pedesaan di kanan kiri sungai yang dilewati. You can enjoy the scenery and calm atmosphere. Kasembon Rafting in Malang offers beautiful rural scenery on either side of the river is impassable. Ketika melintasi jeram, Anda akan berteriak keras, seolah-olah terlepas dari semua masalah. When crossing rapids, you will cry out loud, as if despite all the problems. Anda pun akan merasa excited dan setres yang membebani pikiran akan hilang. You too will feel excited and setres burdensome thoughts will disappear. Bahkan, sekali mengarungi wisata rafting / a rung jeram , Anda pasti akan ketagihan. In fact, once sailing tours rafting / a rung rapids, you will definitely addicted. Mengapa? Why? Seperti olah raga lain, rafting / arung jeram bagus dari segi kesehatan. Like other sports, rafting / white water rafting in terms of good health. Berarung jeram dapat meningkatkan kemampuan atau kapasitas jantung dan paru-paru, kekuatan dan daya tahan otot, serta fleksibilitas sendi bahu dan pinggang. Berarung rafting can enhance the ability or capacity of the heart and lungs, strength and muscle endurance, and flexibility of shoulder and hip joints. Manfaat rafting , tubuh bisa merasa lebih bugar. Benefit rafting, the body can feel fitter.
Kasembon Rafting , Malang (Grade 2-3) Kasembon Rafting, Malang (Grades 2-3)
1. 1. Family Trip Family Trip
Price : Rp.135.000,-/pax (weekday) Price: Rp.135.000, -/pax (weekday)
Rp.150.000,-/pax (weekend) 150,000 -/pax (weekend)
Peserta : Min11 pax Participants: Min11 pax
Facility : Facility:
- 7,5 km Rafting tri 7.5 km Rafting tri
- Welcome drin Welcome drin
- Shuttle truck Shuttle trucks
- Guide Guide
- Rescue Rescue
- Snack Snack
- Mineral water Mineral water
- Lunch Lunch
- Insurance Insurance
Price : Rp 175.000,-/pax (On request) Price: USD $ 175,000, -/pax (On request)
Facility : Facility:
- Rafting Trip 12 km duration 3 Hours Rafting Trip 12 km duration 3 Hours
- Welcome drink Welcome drink
- Shuttle truck Shuttle trucks
- Guide Guide
- Rescue Rescue
- Snack Snack
- Mineral water Mineral water
- Lunch Lunch
- Insurance Insurance
Price : Rp. Price: Rp. 250.000,-/pax (Surabaya) 250 000, -/pax (Surabaya)
Rp.225.000,-/pax (Malang) Rp.225.000, -/pax (Malang)
Peserta : Min. Participants: Min. 11 pax 11 pax
Facilities : Facilities:
- Family Trip (7,5km Rafting Trip) Family Trip (7.5 km Rafting Trip)
- Welcome drink Welcome drink
- Shuttle truck Shuttle trucks
- Guide Guide
- Rescue Rescue
- Snack Snack
- Mineral water Mineral water
- Lunch Lunch
- Insurance Insurance
- Transport antar jemput (sudah termasuk : Driver,BBM,Tol & Parkir) Pickup Transport (including: Driver, fuel, toll & Parking)
Price : Rp. Price: Rp. 199.000,-/pax 199 000, -/pax
Peserta : Min 10 pax Participants: Min 10 pax
Facility : Facility:
- 7,5 km Rafting trip 7.5 km rafting trip
- Welcome drink Welcome drink
- Shuttle truck Shuttle trucks
- Guide Guide
- Rescue Rescue
- Snack Snack
- Mineral water Mineral water
- Dinner Dinner
- Insurance Insurance
5. 5. Penginapan Cottage Kasembon Lodging Cottage Kasembon
Price : Rp. Price: Rp. 75.000,-/pax 75 000, -/pax
Facility : Facility:
- Penginapan berbentuk Gazebo dengan suasana sangat alami Gazebo-shaped inn with a very natural atmosphere
- Breakfast Breakfast
- Kamar mandi di luar Outside bathroom
- Sepatu atau sandal khusus rafting / arung jeram ( sneakers atau sandal gunung ) Special shoes or sandals rafting / rafting (sneakers or sandals mountain)
- T-shirt dan celana berbahan ringan yang mudah kering dan tidak terlalu menyerap air (bukan berbahan berat seperti training atau jeans) T-shirt and lightweight pants are easy to dry and not too much to absorb water (not made of such heavy training or jeans)
- Kacamata hitam (optional) Sunglasses (optional)
- Krim pelindung matahari Sun protection cream
- Topi Hat
- Baju ganti Change of clothes
- Peralatan mandi Toiletries
- Obat-obatan pribadi Personal medicines
- Berbadan sehat berusia 5 s/d 70 tahun. Bodied aged five to 70 years.
- Tidak memiliki penyakit jantung & epilepsy Do not have heart disease and epilepsy
- Tidak dalam keadaan hamil Not in a state of pregnancy
- Tidak perlu kemampuan fisik tertentu No need certain physical abilities
- Tidak perlu dapat berenang No need to be able to swim
Ruko SBC ( Soekarno Hatta Business Center ) Shophouse SBC (Soekarno Hatta Airport Business Center)
Jl.Soekarno Hatta Blok A Kav 35 Malang – Jawa Timur Hatta Jl.Soekarno Block A Lot 35 Malang - East Java
Telp 0341 – 475891 Fax 0341 – 475892 Tel 0341-475891 Fax 0341-475892
SMS 24 Jam 0341 – 9188554 / 081 336 449 855 / 081 937 750 840 24 Hours SMS 0341-9188554 / 081 336 449 855 / 081 937 750 840
E-mail & YM minakjinggotravel@yahoo.com E-mail & YM minakjinggotravel@yahoo.com
E-mail & YM minakjinggotravel@gmail.com E-mail & YM minakjinggotravel@gmail.com
E-mail kasembonrafting@yahoo.com E-mail kasembonrafting@yahoo.com
Website www.minakjinggotravel.com Website www.minakjinggotravel.com